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How To Give Infants’ TYLENOL®

Parent comforting sick baby

Giving medicine to a baby can be daunting, especially if it’s your first time. When your little one is dealing with pain or a fever, it’s natural to have questions about dosing that medicine quickly and safely. In this guide, we’ll give you need-to-know information about how to administer Infants’ TYLENOL®. From the right dosage to tips for how to get an infant to take medicine, we’ve got you covered. Let’s make sure your baby feels better soon. As always, talk to your pediatrician if you have any questions or concerns. Also, you will need to consult a doctor for dosing information for Infant's TYLENOL® before use.

1. Always Check With Your Pediatrician

Before giving Infant’s TYLENOL® to an baby under two years old, always consult your doctor for the correct dosage. Your baby’s weight — which changes rapidly — and age are crucial factors in how much medicine is appropriate.[1] Your pediatrician can help ensure that you administer the right amount.

Tip: When you call your doctor’s office, have the medicine bottle handy. This can help you provide accurate information and help ensure you get the right dosage.

2. Use the Right Dosage Device

Devices may use different measurements, with some showing milliliters and others using ounces. To avoid the hassle of conversions — especially when you’re tired and the baby is sick — always use the dosing device that came with the medicine you’re dispensing.

3. Keep Track of When Medicine Is Given

Give the right serving at the right time by keeping track of each dose of medicine you and other caregivers dispense to your child. Write down the time it was given and the amount. [2]

4. Stick With the Recommended Dose

Increasing the dosage or frequency of infant acetaminophen — or any other medicine — can do more harm than good and put your little one at risk of overdosing. [3]

5. Don’t Give Medicine in the Dark

Giving medicine in a dark room can increase the risk of administering the wrong dose. Always measure out the medicine in a well-lit area.

How To Administer Infants’ TYLENOL®

When turning to TYLENOL® for a newborn or any child under two, always use the Simple Measure® oral syringe that came in the package to ensure accurate dosing.

How to prepare the medication

1. Push air out of the syringe

Before measuring the medicine, push the plunger to remove any air from the syringe.

2. Insert the syringe tip into the bottle

Carefully insert the tip of the syringe into the opening at the top of the Infants’ TYLENOL® bottle.

3. Flip the bottle upside-down

Turn the bottle upside-down to allow the medicine to flow into the syringe.

4. Pull the plunger

Slowly pull the yellow plunger to the correct dose measurement as indicated on the syringe.

How to give TYLENOL® to infants

1. Hold your baby upright

Gently hold your baby in an upright position to make it easier for them to swallow the medicine.

2. Dispense slowly

Slowly dispense the liquid into your baby’s mouth, aiming toward the inner cheek.

Important tips

  • Keep the Simple Measure® syringe and Infants’ TYLENOL® in the original box together after use. Never use a different measuring tool with this medicine.

Tips on How To Get an Infant To Take Medicine

How to give infant medicine without any hiccups can be challenging, but these tips may help make the process smoother:

Gently squeeze your baby’s cheeks together

If your little one tends to spit out medicine, gently squeeze their cheeks together when giving the liquid. This will open their mouth and make it harder for them to spit it out.

Mask the taste

If your baby doesn’t like the taste of the medicine, consider following it with formula, breast milk, or another age-appropriate drink they enjoy. For older babies, you can offer a few licks of an ice pop or other cold food to slightly numb the tongue beforehand, making the taste less intense.

Time it right

Try dispensing before feeding, when little ones are hungry and more ready to swallow medicine. You can also try before naptime, when they are less inclined to resist.

Stay calm and reassuring

Your small one can sense your stress, so try to stay calm and reassuring. Speak in a gentle, soothing voice and offer plenty of cuddles and comfort.

Use a pacifier

For some babies, using a pacifier after giving medicine can help soothe and distract them from the taste.

Important notes

  • Always follow the dosage instructions provided by your healthcare professional.

  • Never force the medicine into your baby’s mouth, as this can cause choking.

  • If your child continues to refuse medicine, consult your doctor for additional advice.

How Often Can You Give Infants’ TYLENOL®?

When giving Infants’ TYLENOL® to your little one, it’s crucial to follow the dosing instructions carefully to ensure their safety and well-being. Here are some general guidelines:

  • Frequency: Infants’ TYLENOL® can typically be given every 4–6 hours as needed. However, do not give more than five doses in a 24-hour period.

  • Dosing: Always use the Simple Measure® oral syringe that comes with the product to measure the correct dose. The dosage will depend on your baby’s age and weight. Refer to the dosing chart on the package or consult your healthcare provider for the appropriate amount.

  • Contact your healthcare provider: If your baby’s symptoms persist or you have any concerns, always consult your healthcare provider before giving additional doses.

  • For more detailed dosing information and specific Infants’ TYLENOL® directions, you can find additional support here.

For parents intimidated by how to give baby medicine properly, it helps to know that you’re not alone. Many caregivers face similar challenges! By following the guidance provided here, along with the advice of your pediatrician, you can ensure your baby receives the necessary care and relief.


  1. Using Over-the-Counter Medicines With Your Child, American Academy of Pediatrics, Accessed January 24, 2025,
  2. Medication Safety Tips for Families, Healthy Children, Accessed January 24, 2025,
  3. Acetaminophen Toxicity & Overdose, Cleveland Clinic, Accessed January 24, 2025,
  4. How to Use Liquid Medicines for Children, Healthy Children, Accessed January 24, 2025,

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