Step 1: Treat it
Stay cool - Ice it for the first 48 hours 5-10 mins at a time.
Warm up - Use heating pads and hot showers after 48 hours to relieve pain.
Rest + relief - Take a pain reliever like TYLENOL® (Use as directed) and avoid strenuous activity.
Step 2: Prevent it
Sleep smart
Choose a firm mattress and sleep with a pillow between your knees (for side sleepers) or under them (for back sleepers)
Get some support
Use a chair with good lower back support. Sit with raised feet if necessary.
Stand up
Soft knees, shoulders back, keep moving. Posture is everything!
Lift with your knees
Your mom and gym teacher were right! Never bend from the waist.
Step 3: Stretch it*

Lie flat on your back with your knees bent. Put your hands around your left knee and pull it down toward your chest. Hold the stretch for a few seconds, then release. Repeat with right knee. Then, pull both knees toward your chest together and hold a few seconds.

Stand up with your hands on your lower back. Slowly and carefully bend back a little, toward your hands. Hold for a few seconds and then release. Repeat a few times.
* Talk to your doctor before beginning or revising any exercise regimen.
Try these simple steps and you may be back in action in no time!