What are the different types of headaches?
Before we can get to how to relieve a headache, it's important to ask “What kind of headache do I have?” Triggers and symptoms for each type of headache can vary. TYLENOL® is recommended for temporary relief from minor aches and pains due to headaches, but if you think you're having migraines or cluster headaches, or have any other questions or concerns, please consult your doctor. Understanding different types of headaches and their causes can help you find a treatment option right for you.
What is a tension headache?
Tension-Type Headache (or TTH) is the most common type of headache, and is sometimes called a “muscle contraction headache” or simply a “a stress headache.” Tension headache symptoms can last hours or days and cause pain with tight, constant pressure on the head, neck, or forehead from muscle contraction. Common causes are stress, anxiety, lack of sleep, jaw clenching and missed meals. Identifying tension headache symptoms early can help prevent them from worsening and guide you toward effective headache relief options.
What is a sinus headache?
Sometimes confused with a migraine, sinus pressure headache pain feels like pressure through the front of the face, ears, and teeth and can be caused by a sinus infection or allergies. Symptoms of a sinus headache include a runny nose, nasal congestion, facial pressure, and nausea. Headache and sinus congestion and pressure (sometimes called sinus headaches) can be treated with OTC pain relievers such as TYLENOL® Sinus + Headache. Some things that you can try to address the underlying sinus symptoms include taking a hot shower, using nasal saline drops, and drinking plenty of fluids. You can try these quick tips for getting rid of a headache or consider TYLENOL® Extra Strength Caplets.
What is a migraine?
A migraine is a severe headache that can last anywhere between four and 72 hours, if left untreated. Migraine symptoms include throbbing localized pain, sensitivity to light, sensitivity to sound, nausea and vomiting. Roughly one-third of migraine sufferers can predict an oncoming migraine from a visual disturbance known as an “aura.” Common triggers include stress, anxiety, hormonal changes, bright/flashing lights, lack of food, lack of sleep, and certain dietary substances.
If you think you're experiencing migraines talk to your doctor because this type of headache requires medical oversight.
What is a cluster headache?
A cluster headache is often considered the most severe type of headache. Cluster headaches occur in “cluster periods” ranging from every other day to 8 times a day, and can last anywhere from 15 minutes to three hours. Pain associated with a cluster headache feels like a stabbing pain behind or around the eye, usually on one side. Other symptoms of a cluster headache include nasal congestion, tearing, a running nose, facial and forehead swelling, constriction of pupils and eyelid swelling. Cluster headaches are most common in those who smoke or drink.
If you think you're experiencing cluster headaches talk to your doctor, because this type of headache requires medical oversight.
Want to understand more about whats causing your headache and how to get relief? Learn more about headache causes, treatments and prevention.